AUDIO: President Trump’s Air Force One Press Gaggle

Getty President Donald Trump on September 14.

President Donald Trump spoke with reporters aboard Air Force One on September 14, and he spoke colorfully about everything from Susan Rice to white supremacists and the Florida Keys. Controversially, he again said that there were bad people on both sides when white supremacists were brought up.

You can read the written highlights from the press pool on the gaggle here. The White House released this transcript.

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Rice recently admitted to House investigators that she had ordered the unmasking of some Trump campaign officials in intelligence documents. According to CNN, she said she “unmasked the identities of senior Trump officials to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York late last year.”

Some of the highlights from Trump’s Thursday press gaggle:

On Susan Rice: “She’s not supposed to be doing that … what she did was wrong.”

On Iran: “I will say this – the Iran deal is one of the worst deals I have ever seen.”

On Republicans: “My relationship with Republicans is excellent. Many of them agree with what I am doing.”

On the Wall and, presumably, Democrats: “They can’t obstruct the wall.”

After discussing white supremacists: “We have some pretty bad dudes on the other side as well … you’ve got some very bad people on the other side.”

On climate change and Hurricanes Irma and Harvey: “We’ve had bigger storms.”

President Trump and his wife, Melania, had traveled to Florida on September 14 to assess the damages. According to AOL, “Melania Trump tweeted footage of the devastating flooding from the president’s helicopter Marine One before they touched down in Naples.”

In that tweet, Melania Trump wrote: “Before touching down in Naples, air tour of hurricane damage. There is much work to be done, but America is with you Florida!”

Some conservatives are upset with Trump because of reports that he was working on a deal with Democrats on DACA. “President Trump has infuriated his most steadfast supporters in media by appearing to stray from the hardline immigration stance he campaigned on,” CNN reported, although Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman, wrote on Twitter on September 14 that no deal had been struck.

Read more about Trump’s latest comments on Charlottesville here:

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President Trump held a September 14 Air Force One press gaggle, in which he weighed in on DACA, Republicans, hurricanes, and Susan Rice. Listen to the audio.